Theatrical Design
350 West 55th St. Apt. 4A
New York, New York 10019
New York University, Masters Degree in Theater Design, 1984
California State University at Northridge, Theater Arts Major, 1980
Member, United Scenic Artist Union, Local 829, 1986 to Present
Member, New York Stagehands Union, Local 1, 1988 to Present
Design Works (Abbreviated List):
The Old Settler - Directed by Michele Shay, Billie Holiday Theater, NY
Crash - Composed by Robert Ashley - Roulette Concert Hall - Brooklyn, NY
Whitney Museum Biannel – 2014
3 Robert Ashley Opera
Perfect Lives
The Trial of Anne Opie Wehrer and Unknown Accomplices For Crimes Against Humanity
Molissa Fenley
Prop Dances, Joyce SOHO, NYC
Calculus and Politics, Joyce Th.
Lava Field, The Kitchen, NYC
Kuro Shio, Seoul, Korea
Waiting for Rain, Joyce Theater, NYC
Voices, San Francisco, Artaud Theater
On the Other Ocean, Joyce Theater, NYC
Pola’a, Jacobs Pillow, MA
State of Darkness, The Kitchen, NYC, Received Bessie Award for Lighting Design
Robert Ashley Opera Co.:
Improvement, The Kitchen, NYC
Crash, Roulette Concert Hall, NYC
That Morning Thing, The Kitchen, NYC
Celestial Excursions, Dust, Concrete, La Mama
Concrete, Dust, Ferrara, Italy
Concrete, La Mama, NYC
Celestial Excursions, The Kitchen, NYC and Berlin
Dust, Toured Germany, France, Spain
David Neumann and Co.:
Feet Forward NYC
Hit the Deck, NYC
tough, the tough, St. Marks Church Danspace, NYC
Big Dance Theater: Productions Directed by Paul Lazar and Choreographed by Annie B. Parsons
City of Brides, City Center, NYC
Simple Heart, Spoleto Festival, South Carolina, Tour of US and Europe
Girl Gone, The Flea, NYC
Gas Heart, Dance Theater Workshop, NYC, (Toured Show to France)
Don Juan Returns from the War, Classic Stage Company, NYC
Foundry Theatre Co.,
Major Bang, or How I learned to stop worrying and love the Dirty Bomb.
Paul Lazar Directing, St. Ann’s Warehouse, NYC
Peter Boal & Co.:
Soft Watching the First Implosion, Choreography by Victor Quijada, Joyce Theater, NYC
Body Study, Choreography by Shen Wei, Joyce Theater, NYC
Distant Cries, Choreography by Edward Liang, Joyce Theater, NYC
Mopey, Joyce Theater, NYC
The Man and the Echo, Joyce Theater, NYC
Episodes-Pas de deux, Joyce Theater, NYC
Designer Assistant Work:
Sally Jacobs, New York Shakespeare Company NYC, NY
John Falabella, Blues in the Night, On Broadway NYC, NY
Tom Walsh, Zoot Suit, On Broadway NYC, NY
Other Choreographers and Directors, Assorted works:
Meridith Monk, Choreographer/Composer
Numerous World tours
Sin Cha Hong, Korean Choreographer
Shows at La Mama Theater, NY
Two tours of Korea
Ruby Shang, Japanese Choreographer
La Mama Theater, NYC
American Dance Festival, North Carolina
Two Tours in Japan
Tom Hamilton, New Music Composer/Co-Creator of New Music Festival
Premiere, La Mama Theater
Larry Waxman, Director /South Side High School, Long Island
Thirty Productions Designing Sets and Lights
Carol Hepper, Sculpture Artist
Three Gallery Installations
Production Designer:
Yeangar, Live, City Center, NYC